2024 IMSA 12 Hours of Sebring

Excellent, thanks for sharing these images !

Do you ever attend the LBGP ?
No, I live in Florida so that's a big trip. Maybe one day if I ever go out for a vacation and work it into the plans. Daytona and Sebring are easy driving distance for me. One day I'll plan to go to Road Atlanta for the Petit LeMans.
Derani crashed the #31 Cadillac no more than 20 yards from our tent site on the stretch leading to turn 9. We had returned to our spot to rehydrate and relax a bit when we heard the boom and looked over to see tires and debris flying. Ran over to the fence to see the car upside down on the tire wall. Didn't bring my 1DX with me but got some shots with my phone, so quality isn't the best.

Derani is still in the car here. You can see his helmet.
Derani crash by Jonathan, on Flickr

You can see some of the debris from the car and tires that were blown off the tire barriers in the foreground.
Derani crash by Jonathan, on Flickr

Loading it onto the flatbed.
Derani crash by Jonathan, on Flickr
Derani crashed the #31 Cadillac no more than 20 yards from our tent site on the stretch leading to turn 9. We had returned to our spot to rehydrate and relax a bit when we heard the boom and looked over to see tires and debris flying. Ran over to the fence to see the car upside down on the tire wall. Didn't bring my 1DX with me but got some shots with my phone, so quality isn't the best.

Derani is still in the car here. You can see his helmet.
Derani crash by Jonathan, on Flickr

You can see some of the debris from the car and tires that were blown off the tire barriers in the foreground.
Derani crash by Jonathan, on Flickr

Loading it onto the flatbed.
Derani crash by Jonathan, on Flickr
Great recap
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