How to Post Images

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West Coast Birder

Staff member
6 Nov 2023
Santa Barbara, California
Image Editing
There are several ways to post images on Focus on Photography. Broadly speaking, these can be split into two categories:

  1. Host you image external to Focus on Photography (for example, at Flickr, 500px, Smugmug, etc.) and hotlink to it in your post, and

  2. Upload your image to Focus on Photography and use it in your post.

External Hosting:

All external sites will provide the ability to link to your image using img tags. Cut and paste this string (including the img delimiters in square brackets) into your post and your image will be hotlinked and will display in the post.

Uploading your image to Focus on Photography:

You can either upload a photo from your device (computer hard drive, phone, etc.) directly into the post you are making, or upload it first to the media gallery and then link to it in your post.

Uploading directly into your post:

There are three ways to directly upload images to your post.

1. with the Attach files button just below the text editor, bottom left with the paperclip
2. clicking the little icon in the menu of the text editor. It's this one:


If you upload using the Attach files link, you will get a small thumbnail and you need to click on Insert. You are then given two options:
1. Thumbnail
2. Full image, like so:


Click on "full image" and the full image will be loaded in your post.
Click on "thumbnail" and you will see a thumbnail in your post. However, if you click on that thumbnail it will go to full image.

If however you upload using the little icon up top, it will automatically load the full image.

3. There is also a third option and that is to simply drag an image from your desktop and drop it in the text editor. With this method you are given tools to resize your photo by simply dragging one of the corners.
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Uploading first to the Media Gallery and then linking to your post:

To get to the Media Gallery, click on the Gallery button at the top of the page, shown as Step 1 in the screen capture below. Then, Step 2 is to upload your image to the Media Gallery by clicking on the Add Media button on the right side of the page as shown.


Once your image is in the gallery, hover your mouse over the thumbnail of the photo you wish to include in your post. You will see a black band at the bottom of the thumbnail showing the file name, your name, etc. This is shown in the red oval in the screen grab below.


Click on the name of the file in the top row of the black band, marked in the green oval. Do not click on your name or the date in the second line.


Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and at the bottom right hand corner, you will be presented with a list of links to your photo as shown in the graphic below. Copy the Image BBCode link (circled) and place it in your post to display your image.

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