Who has ANTS in their pants? Reds & Blacks go here!

Flying ants are a fly fisherman's friend. Trout absolutely love them. It's not a common event, but maybe once a year, I'll get a day when the ants are falling on the water. Any time they do, the fish will be on them in no time...

19 August 2021 was one such day...

One that joined me in the boat...


All the rings on the water are trout feeding on ants...


Earlier in the day the fish were feeding on whatever was available - black gnats, beetles, nymphs, etc. When the ants appeared they became totally preoccupied with them.

Here is a stomach sample from an afternoon trout, showing the assortment from the morning and the ants from after the switch...


In the morning I was catching on any old thing, but after the ants appeared I had to change to something closer in imitation. I know these don't look much like ants, but they have the necessary small size and trigger points...

Flying ants are a fly fisherman's friend. Trout absolutely love them. It's not a common event, but maybe once a year, I'll get a day when the ants are falling on the water. Any time they do, the fish will be on them in no time...

19 August 2021 was one such day...

One that joined me in the boat...


All the rings on the water are trout feeding on ants...


Earlier in the day the fish were feeding on whatever was available - black gnats, beetles, nymphs, etc. When the ants appeared they became totally preoccupied with them.

Here is a stomach sample from an afternoon trout, showing the assortment from the morning and the ants from after the switch...


In the morning I was catching on any old thing, but after the ants appeared I had to change to something closer in imitation. I know these don't look much like ants, but they have the necessary small size and trigger points...

Fascinating, Colin 😊👍

I didn't think about flying ants when I created the thread, so thanks a ton for adding these more-than-welcome little beasties.

Cheers for now,
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