It's been nearly an hour updating Windows 10 on my laptop...

i came home from work one night (i think that was the situation) and opened my laptop. its almost always plugged in and i no longer own a desktop. it only has like a 500gb hard drive and all my stuff (almost all of it) is stored on portable hard drives. some stuff i kept on the desktop because it was convenient for ease of access...

so i opened up the laptop and it has a message flashing on the screen saying "repair failed". i start digging around with it with the help of a long distance phone call to my daughter, and come to find out that there was some update (still only running Win10) that failed to take properly. the Win10 tried to fix the problem which it couldnt do. my only solution to keep using the laptop was to do a clean install (one of the options it gave me, when trying to get it to work properly).

i did a clean install and of course lost my Adobe suite, Capture 1, whatever i had on the desktop, Firefox browser, and all my other bookmarks and passwords.

ive since downloaded the bookmarks and passwords, managed to download and reinstall C1 and Adobe, of course Firefox is a piece of cake but..... i had originally gotten Microsoft Office through a $9.99 work deal. i have some Office keys but i dont have anyway of getting the suite back without paying for it from MS. its $125 for the license and yes there are other options but i have a lot of documents and Excel sheets that i dont want to have any compatibility issues with because im NOT a computer guru. even the guy i know who used to do programming for about 25 years, doesnt like messing with computers...

i still need to get my NAS set up the way i want to run it but i think im going to have to call Qnap and have them explain to how to do it. i wish i could just go to a website and follow the instructions but i cant find the instructions for what i want to do
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